Download Holidays of Anguilla in 2026

Download all holidays in these place in the year 2026 as an ICS file, that you can later use to import in your calendar software.

1.1.2026New Year's Daypublic
2.3.2026James Ronald Webster Daypublic
3.4.2026Good Fridaypublic
5.4.2026Easter Sundayobservance
6.4.2026Easter Mondaypublic
1.5.2026Labour Daypublic
25.5.2026Whit Mondaypublic
30.5.2026Anguilla Daypublic
8.6.2026Celebration of the Birthday of Her Majesty the Queenpublic
3.8.2026August Mondaypublic
6.8.2026August Thursdaypublic
7.8.2026Constitution Daypublic
19.12.2026National Heroes and Heroines Daypublic
25.12.2026Christmas Daypublic
26.12.2026Boxing Daypublic
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Programmed by Maxim Maeder